
CABEF awards seven $2,500 scholarships annually to full-time students enrolling or currently in an agricultural related program at a Canadian university, college or apprenticeship institution. These scholarships are funded through generous donations from agri-business and people involved in the agricultural and food industry.

Students from across Canada are invited to apply. One scholarship will be awarded in the provinces of Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Québec, the Atlantic Provinces as a whole and one from British Columbia/Territories.

Applicants will be assessed on a combination of their leadership attributes, and written or video response to the question:

“Canada's agriculture and food industry currently employs 1 in 9 people, showcasing its significance to the nation's economy and food security. Discuss one opportunity and one challenge related to the agriculture job market and explore how young people can contribute to the industry’s growth and sustainability.”

How to Apply

Click the ‘Apply Now’ button below to access the online scholarship application form. (Note: the application form cannot be saved. Students have a one-time access to the application form. It’s suggested to type your essay and list of leadership activities in a Word document and then cut and paste into the application form).

Within the online application, essays can be either in written format or video. Written essays must be between 750 – 1000 words. Videos must be a minimum of 2 minutes to a maximum of 5 minutes in length and provide a YouTube link to the video within the application form.

See below to view video requirements as well as judging rubrics for the essay and leadership activities.

Entries must be received by CABEF on or before 5:00 PM ET on April 30th, 2025.

Winners will be selected and notified no later than May 31st, 2025. Winners must provide proof of enrolment from their post-secondary institution by September 30. The students will receive their scholarship money within 30 days of receiving proof of enrolment. Proof of enrolment is to be sent by email to: [email protected]. The judges’ decision is final.

Eligibility Criteria

  1. Canadian students who will be entering their 1st year or currently in their 2nd or 3rd year pursuing an agricultural or ag-related program at a recognized Canadian college, university or trade school are eligible to apply. Full time students only.  Current 4th year (or last year of their program) or post-graduate students are not eligible to apply.
  2. Past CABEF scholarship winners and family of CABEF board members not eligible to apply.
  3. Students must be at least 16 years of age to apply.

2024 Scholarship Recipients